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IAX2 (Inter-Asterisk eXchange version 2): Streamlining VoIP Communication


In the realm of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) telephony, there are 4 most popular protocols used for establishing communications between UAC and UAS. These are: SIP, IAX (v1 and v2), RTP/RTCP, and H.323;
The Inter-Asterisk eXchange version 2 (IAX2) protocol stands out as a powerful tool for facilitating efficient communication between Asterisk PBX systems. IAX2 has some advantages over SIP in that only one network port is opened for communications. SIP uses two ports: SIP and RTP. Developed as an improvement over its predecessor, IAX, IAX2 brings enhanced functionality and flexibility to the world of VoIP.

In this article, we will delve into the details of IAX2, exploring its features, architecture, benefits, and use cases. Similarities and differences between SIP and IAX, as well as how they each play a role in setting up a secure VoIP connection. We shall also discuss the similarities and differences between SIP and IAX, as well as how they each play a role in setting up a secure VoIP connection.

What is IAX2?


IAX2, short for Inter-Asterisk eXchange version 2, is a signalling protocol designed to enable efficient communication between Asterisk PBX systems. Asterisk, an open-source software framework, serves as a powerful platform for building communication applications. IAX2 enhances Asterisk’s capabilities by providing a streamlined method for transmitting signalling and media data between Asterisk-based systems. IAX2 supports both unicast and multicast audio, which means that it can be used in situations where NAT or firewalls are present. IAX2 also support video and text messaging.

Evolution from IAX to IAX2

IAX2 is the successor to the original IAX (Inter-Asterisk eXchange) protocol. While IAX provided a reliable means of transporting VoIP traffic, it had certain limitations, such as:

  • limited scalability and lack of support for non-asterisk systems
  • lack of support for advanced features like call forwarding, call waiting, call transfer, and conference calling,
  • Lack of Support for a wider range of codecs (video and text messaging), etc.
  • IAX used a text-based packet format, which resulted in higher overhead and increased bandwidth utilization compared to the binary packet format used in IAX2. The more compact and efficient packet structure of IAX2 improved bandwidth efficiency, reducing network congestion and optimizing resource utilization.

IAX2 was developed to address these issues and introduce new functionalities to enhance the efficiency and flexibility of VoIP communication.

IAX2 Protocol Specifications

IAX2 utilizes the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) for transmitting data packets, and it operates on a single port (default: 4569). It employs a binary format for packet encapsulation, which optimizes bandwidth usage and simplifies processing overhead. IAX2 also incorporates several features such as trunking support, NAT traversal, call encryption, and efficient media handling.

IAX2 Architecture

Signalling and Media Transmission

IAX2 separates signalling and media transmission, allowing them to flow independently. Signalling information, including call setup, termination, and control messages, is encapsulated in IAX2 packets and transmitted between Asterisk systems. Media traffic, such as voice, video, or other multimedia content, is transported separately using Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) streams.

IAX2 Call Setup Process

The call setup process in IAX2 involves a series of signalling exchanges between

the initiating and receiving Asterisk systems. Here is an overview of the IAX2 call setup process:

  1. Call Initiation: The initiating Asterisk system sends an INVITE message to the receiving Asterisk system, indicating its intention to establish a call.
  2. Negotiation: The two systems exchange capabilities and negotiate the parameters of the call, such as codec selection, supported features, and call control options.
  3. Authentication: Both systems authenticate each other to ensure the security and integrity of the communication. This step involves exchanging credentials or digital certificates.
  4. Call Routing: The receiving Asterisk system determines the route for the call based on the dialled number and its routing configuration. It may perform routing decisions based on factors like cost, availability, or predefined rules.
  5. Call Acceptance: If the receiving system accepts the call, it sends a 200 OK response to the initiating system, confirming the call establishment.
  6. Media Transmission: Once the call is accepted, media streams are established using RTP. The participating Asterisk systems exchange voice or multimedia data through these streams.
  7. Call Termination: When the call ends, termination messages are exchanged between the systems to close the call and release the allocated resources.

IAX2 Packet Format

IAX2 packets consist of a fixed-length header followed by variable-length data. The header contains essential information such as message type, packet size, source and destination addresses, and a sequence number to ensure reliable packet delivery. The data section carries the actual payload, which can include signalling messages, media data, or control information.

The IAX2 packet format allows for efficient encapsulation and transmission of data, minimizing overhead and optimizing bandwidth utilization. The binary nature of the format simplifies packet processing, making it more computationally efficient.

Key Features of IAX2

Trunking Support

One of the significant advantages of IAX2 is its robust support for trunking, which enables the aggregation of multiple voice channels into a single trunk group. Trunking simplifies the management of large-scale deployments by reducing the number of connections required and optimizing resource utilization.

NAT Traversal

Network Address Translation (NAT) can pose challenges for VoIP deployments by interfering with the transmission of signalling and media traffic. IAX2 incorporates NAT traversal techniques, such as the use of symmetric RTP, to overcome these obstacles and establish communication even in network environments with NAT devices.

Call Encryption and Security

IAX2 supports secure communication through encryption mechanisms such as Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP). These protocols ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and authentication of VoIP traffic, protecting sensitive information from unauthorized access or tampering.

Bandwidth Efficiency

IAX2’s packet encapsulation format and intelligent handling of media streams contribute to efficient bandwidth utilization. By using compression techniques and optimizing the packet structure, IAX2 reduces the overhead associated with signalling and media transmission, resulting in improved call quality and reduced network congestion.

Call Control and Feature Negotiation

IAX2 allows for comprehensive call control and feature negotiation between Asterisk systems. It supports a wide range of call features, including call forwarding, call waiting, call transfer, conference calling, and interactive voice response (IVR) systems. The negotiation process ensures that both systems agree on the supported features and their configurations, enabling seamless interoperability.

Use Cases and Advantages of IAX2

  1. Scalability and Flexibility
    IAX2 provides scalability and flexibility for both small and large VoIP deployments. Its trunking capabilities enable efficient handling of high call volumes, making it suitable for businesses of all sizes. Additionally, IAX2’s flexible architecture allows for easy integration with existing telephony infrastructure, making it a viable choice for organizations looking to migrate to a VoIP system without disrupting their current setup.
  2. Integration with Existing Infrastructure
    IAX2 is designed to work seamlessly with Asterisk PBX systems, which are widely adopted in the telecommunications industry. It enables integration with legacy systems, such as traditional analogue or digital phone lines, using appropriate interface modules. This capability allows businesses to leverage their existing infrastructure while gradually transitioning to a more advanced and cost-effective VoIP solution.
  3. Cost-Effectiveness
    Implementing IAX2 can result in significant cost savings compared to traditional telephony systems. By leveraging VoIP technology, organizations can reduce long-distance calling charges and eliminate the need for expensive hardware-based switches. Moreover, IAX2’s trunking capabilities enable efficient utilization of network resources, reducing infrastructure costs associated with multiple physical connections.
  4. Multi-Site Connectivity
    For businesses with multiple locations or remote offices, IAX2 offers efficient interconnection between different sites. It allows for seamless communication between Asterisk systems, regardless of their physical location, facilitating collaboration and reducing communication barriers. This capability is particularly valuable for organizations with distributed teams or those aiming to centralize their telephony infrastructure.
  5. Service Provider Applications
    IAX2 is not limited to enterprise deployments but also finds applications in the service provider domain. Internet Telephony Service Providers (ITSPs) can leverage IAX2 to offer cost-effective and feature-rich VoIP services to their customers. The protocol’s trunking support, security features, and efficient media handling make it an attractive choice for delivering reliable and scalable VoIP services to businesses and residential users.

Limitations and Considerations

Compatibility with Non-Asterisk Systems

While IAX2 excels in interoperability between Asterisk-based systems, its compatibility with non-Asterisk systems may vary. Although efforts have been made to standardize the protocol, some proprietary or non-standard VoIP platforms may not fully support IAX2. Therefore, it is crucial to verify compatibility requirements when considering IAX2 for integration with third-party systems.

UDP-based Communication

IAX2 utilizes UDP for packet transmission, which can be susceptible to network issues such as packet loss or latency. While UDP provides low-latency communication suitable for real-time applications like VoIP, it lacks the built-in reliability mechanisms of Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).

The utilisation of a single port is a drawback. This is beneficial in one sense since it makes network translation easy and firm. This has the drawback of making it simpler for hostile individuals to carry out resource depletion or denial of service attacks. They can defeat the system and keep authorised users from using the service by flooding the IAX port.

Organizations deploying IAX2 should consider network quality, implement appropriate Quality of Service (QoS) measures, and monitor the network for optimal performance.

Configuration Complexity

Configuring and managing IAX2 can be more complex compared to simpler protocols like Session Initiation Protocol  (SIP). IAX2’s extensive feature set and flexibility require careful consideration and configuration of parameters, codecs, and routing rules. System administrators and IT personnel should have a solid understanding of the protocol and its configuration options to ensure smooth operation and troubleshooting.

IAX vs SIP – What’s the Difference?

Two prominent protocols used in VoIP communications are Inter-Asterisk eXchange (IAX) and Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). Now let’s compare IAX and SIP in terms of their architecture, features, interoperability, and suitability for different use cases.

  1. Architecture
    IAX and SIP have different architectural approaches for handling VoIP communication:
    • IAX: IAX, or Inter-Asterisk eXchange, was designed with simplicity and efficiency in mind. It combines signalling and media streams into a single protocol, allowing for streamlined communication between Asterisk PBX systems. IAX uses a binary packet format and operates on a single port (default: 4569). The integrated signalling and media transmission simplify call setup and reduce overhead.
    • SIP: SIP, or Session Initiation Protocol, follows a more modular and extensible architecture. It separates signalling and media transmission, where the SIP protocol is responsible for call signalling and establishing sessions, while media is typically transmitted using the Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP). SIP uses text-based messages and operates on multiple ports (5060 for signalling, and additional ports for media).
  2. Features and Functionality
    Both IAX and SIP offer a range of features and functionality for VoIP communication, including call setup, call control, and media handling. However, there are some differences to consider:
    • IAX: IAX has built-in support for trunking, allowing multiple voice channels to be aggregated into a single trunk group. It provides native support for NAT traversal and can handle both signalling and media behind NAT devices. IAX also supports call encryption and security features. However, the feature set of IAX is more limited compared to SIP.
    • SIP: SIP offers extensive features and flexibility. It supports a wide range of call control features, including call transfer, call hold, call waiting, conference calling, and more. SIP is highly extensible, allowing the addition of custom features and integration with third-party systems. It provides greater interoperability with other VoIP systems and devices due to its widespread adoption and standardized nature.
  3. Interoperability
    Interoperability is a crucial factor to consider when choosing a VoIP protocol. Here’s a comparison of IAX and SIP regarding interoperability:
    • IAX: IAX is primarily used within the Asterisk ecosystem, offering excellent interoperability between Asterisk-based systems. However, interoperability with non-Asterisk systems may be limited or require additional configuration due to the proprietary nature of IAX.
    • SIP: SIP enjoys widespread adoption across the VoIP industry and has become a de facto standard. It offers high interoperability with various VoIP devices, software, and platforms, including third-party PBX systems, IP phones, gateways, and service providers. SIP’s standardized nature makes it easier to integrate with different systems.
  4. Suitability for Use Cases
    The choice between IAX and SIP depends on the specific use case and requirements of the VoIP deployment:
    • IAX: IAX is well-suited for organizations that primarily use Asterisk-based systems or plan to migrate to Asterisk. It offers simplicity, efficiency, and strong integration with Asterisk PBX systems. IAX is particularly beneficial for small to medium-sized businesses looking for a cost-effective solution with native support for trunking and NAT traversal.
    • SIP: SIP is a versatile protocol suitable for various use cases. It is ideal for enterprises with complex communication requirements, multi-vendor environments, or the need for advanced call control


IAX2, the Inter-Asterisk eXchange version 2 protocol, serves as a powerful tool for enabling efficient communication between Asterisk PBX systems. With its robust trunking support, NAT traversal capabilities, call encryption, and bandwidth efficiency, IAX2 offers numerous advantages for VoIP deployments. It provides scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness while integrating smoothly with existing telephony infrastructure. Although it has some limitations and configuration complexities, IAX2 continues to be a popular choice for businesses and service providers seeking reliable and feature-rich VoIP communication.

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